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Lost Sounds
Rich Crook

Aljcia and Jay, after their italian appearence, have been contacted by the rock explosion to satisfy our queries about them. Lost Sounds are not joking and their apocalyptic rock'n'roll will hipnotise your dirty minds too.

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You' re just back from the last european tour. Can you tell me about it? Negative and positive impressions ?
Jay: Well the tour was great.The buissness side of things (some one else collecting your money) was a bitch to deal with but beyond that crowds were great food was great and the drinks were top notch.

What kind of difference have you discovered about the rock'n'roll American fans and the Europeans?
Alicja: Europeans have much longer attention spans. Even after an hour they still want more brutal destruction to their ears. That's so cool.

Why did you choose the moniker Lost Sounds? Are there any second meanings?
Alicja: Originaly it was "The Lost Sounds", like a garage band name. We took the name off of the back of a Squires re-issue on Crypt Records. It had a list of other 60's garage bands and Jay just mixed up two band names and came up with ours. Then we dropped the "the", right before the garage rock re-hash became popular on MTV2.

Jay do you wanna say me something about The Reatards experience? What's the best thing that you remember about this time?
Jay: Well The Reatards started of as me as a bummed out teen just trying to find a way to make it through the day. I had a four-track recorder and made songs that I thought no one would hear.I gave one tape to a girl at the local record shop and she told me that eric form the oblivians would really dig it so I made him a tape(minus the silly songs)and brought it to him at my 3rd of 4th oblvians show. He liked it and did a 7' I remember being so excited I couldn't sleep that night and that is my favorite moment from that band. Least favorite would be the peole I hurt and the times I hurt myself.

Your songs, lyrics and graphics reminds apocalyptic-horror-visionary scenes. How this "black feelings" originate?
Jay: Well living in Memphis does'nt give you the most positive outlook on things .People here are fucking nuts.The economy is terrible no good jobs violence well you get the picture. These are the things we see everyday so how do you see these things and write happy songs or createj oyful record covers.

What is the process behind the birth and the realization of your songs? Who writes the lyrics and who composes music? Is it a team work or each one of you has a particular task?
Alicja: Mostly we wright our own songs on our home studios, then we bring it to the band and it gets completely altered to suit our particular sound. Sometimes the lyrics all come out at once with the song and sometimes they are written after the music is complete and we've been playing it for a month. A lotta times I write keyboard parts ahead of time and then stick them into one of Jay's incomplete song ides, but it works better when I brng a complete song and then everyone alters my original idea there at practice. I am really controlling about my songs being the way I have written them so lately I try to make my demo recordings as loose and minimal as possible. All of us develop the fine tuning details of our songs on tour when we have to play them live night after night, then we start making up weird little parts to make them more interesting to us, things that probably no one notices but us.

Some anticipation of your next album...
Alicja: We have all the songs written, now just have to record them right. It'll be out in April 2004.

Why you had some problems with bass player in your past career? How's with Jonas? He's the last entry in your line up...
Alicja: We never had problems, Jonas is a guitar player and he wasn't really happy only playing bass, but he just moved away for a while. Jon played bass for a while too and then he moved, then Jonas moved back and we enticed him by saying he could play guitar on some songs too, and I think he plays bass sometimes like guitar and he's proud of that original sound. He isn't really a rhytm section as much as a low end Boom ... Make us louder section.

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Is there any song of yours you feel more linked to? Why?
Alicja: I think Jay's song "1620 Echles Street" from "Blackwave" is really personal because he wrote it before Lost Sounds were born and he really lived on that horrible scary drug dealer infested violent street. I feel really linked to all our songs because we right all the time and so we are always in the frame of mind that really goes inside ourselves.

Is there any of your shows you're most proud of?
Alicja: I think we were all really proud of most of our last shows in Europe, we wre tighter than we had been. Someone video taped our last show from our last U.S.A. tour (in Shreveport, Louisiana) and once I watched it I saw that we were a really tight machine and our drummer was playing has ass off in speed and strength and precision and without that we sound like shit. I am least proud of our Map Room show when we drank way too much and I smashed my Gibson SG and Jay cut his hand on some handmade hippie pottery that he smashed. Horrible, and a bad hangover the next day too, this was several years ago.

What would you have done if you weren't musicians? Is there any parallel dream you would like to see come true outside the music field?
Alicja: I'd be an artist/computer animator, Jonas would be (is) a painter too, Rich would have to do something wild and crazy on the side of silk-screening t-shirts all day, and Jay has always said that if he wasn't creative he would make a great yuppie (young urban professional) because he is so cut-throat and really street smart and keen towards money deals and stuff like that. Don't know if I believe that.

What you think about the use of drugs associated to rock'n'roll?
Jay: Well the uncreative need them to create .The weak need them to escape. Some need them to fuck others to awake. Personally I don't have a problem with people getting wasted as long as they don't fuck up my life or there own.

What are your fave bands in circulation?
Alicja: If you mean bands that play live...the Vanishing, Clone, Defects though they just broke up, Piranhas, Digital Leather, Destruction Unit, Ponys, Dearest Darlings, Memphis Break-Ups, the Pelicans, Cherry Valence, Catholic Boys, American Death Ray, Wet Labia, Vending Machine, the
Coke Dares, Phantom Limbs...there are a million bands worth seeing now. Not all their records are so good, but they are fun live.

Do you think can explode another "new wave scene" in the next future?
Jay: Fuck new wave we are destruction rock n roll.

Have you another particular hobbies/ passions?
Alicja: I draw and paint and play in other style bands. I collect Mark Ryden things as well.

What is the best and the worst things of your music career?
Jay: Best would be playing on over 25 records in only 23 years of life and making some great friends doing it. Worst would be almost killing my self in the reatards on more than one occasion.

What about internet and the sharing of complete mp3 cd's, do you allow it or not?
Alicja: Sure, share mp3's because we make vinyl and collectible 7"s and if people like your stuff they will buy the vinyl, and come to see you live and buy t-shirts. Playing live and touring is where a medium sized independant label band makes most their money, and I think if someone takes the time to download a song that is very flattering because it takes a lot of patience. Metallica is just pissed off because they suck now.

Thanks guys...

Intervista realizzata da Roberto Barisone.
traduzione realizzata da Laura Delnevo.

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