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Handsome Dick Manitoba (King Of Men)

The Fathers of the punk, from the Big Apple, interviewed before their descent in Italy. Handsome Dick Manitoba and Andy Shernoff answered to the Rock Explosion's questions...

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Why did we have to wait for such a long time (6 years) to listen to your new album "D.F.F.D."?
Andy Shernoff: Actually it was almost 20 years between records... There are 2 reasons, first, the audience has grown over the past 6 years so there was more interest in the band and second I'm not a very prolific songwriter.

"D.F.F.D." isn’t easy to find in Italy, that’s maybe beacuse you published the album through your own record label, the Dictators Multi-Media and its distribution is not perfect all around the world. Why did you decide to release it on your own ? And what about its selling rates?
Andy Shernoff: We made a choice that we wanted to be in control of our careers. With our own record company we sell less records but make more money. We also have peace of mind since we are not constantly dealing with ass holes. We're not part of the media machine but people who are interested in The Dictators are able to find us.

Handsome you are known by all your fans as an extremely charismatic and theatrical artist, who are the frontmen who influenced you the most?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: Muhammad Ali (boxer), Fred Blassie and Killer Kowalski (wrestlers) were my favorite performers, although not frontmen... I don't know who influenced me the most, but I can tell you who I love. Mick Jagger, Rob Tyner, Iggy,David Johansen, Joey Ramone, Johnny Rotten, Joe Strummer, Otis Redding, Stiv Bators, Bruce Springsteen, James Brown,Kurt Cobain, and probably a hundred more...

Your lirics have always had an ironic, crazy approach. This is a really brave choice, but dangerous too. Don’t you think that this could be disadvantage and hinder to get a worthed success?
Andy Shernoff: We're a controversial band because we're irreverant and have a lot of New York attitude. opeople either love us or hate us. thankfully enough people love us to keep us going. We're not manufactured, we're an original and the real thing.

How was the rock' n' roll scene in New York in the late 70’s, was hard rock losing interest and punk coming?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: Punk took over, in the rock world, and kind of exploded onto the scene...In the same way the Seattle, Nirvana, exploded and pushed the 80's hair bands into the sea...

Is it true that in the 70’s somebody accused you of being a pro-nazi band? How did this incomprehension start?
Andy Shernoff: There was some rumblings about that in the old days but it died quickly.

What do you think about the skate pop-punk of Green Day and Offspring? Do you think as me that this music has lost the real soul of punk?
Andy Shernoff: How much "real soul" can possibly come from California? California is Hollywood where everything is manufactured. Basically Green Day and Offspring are second generation punk. They took the elements of 1970's punk, smoothed off the rough edges to make it more accessible and commercial... They have also brought a lot of attention to the original 70's punk rock bands so I would never badmouth them.

What do you think about the "Toilet Boys"? Are there any undergrounds bands in New York that you like ? Do you want to tell our readers about them?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: They are a fun band with a great tradition steeped in cool NY rock bands..I don't get a chance to listen to much local music these days, therefore I can't honestly recommend anyone...

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In "Who will save rock'n'roll" you say that today the music business is full of mercenary and soulles players. Then Manitoba says: "my generation is not the salvation"... who do you think could save the rock'n'roll?
Andy Shernoff: Rock and roll has reached middle age so it will never return to the artistic heights of the 60's and 70's, but there does seem to be a bit of a resurgence recently, so I'm more encouraged now than when I wrote the song. What would it take to save rock and roll?... Ayoung, sexy, charismatic musician with a great voice who wrote amazing songs and inspired other people to pick up a guitar.

What can you tell me about "Pussy and money"?
Andy Shernoff: It's all about sex and power. That's what makes the world go round.

Andy, let’s spend a couple of words about Joey Ramone. You played with him and I know you were really friends and then his death should have grieve you very much…
Andy Shernoff: Joey was my friend, collaborator and inspiration. We met him 30 years ago and I was with him when he died. The world is a lesser place because he's gone.

I know that in the '76 you had some problems with Wayne County, former DJ of the Max' s Kansas City. I know that an evening you had a brawl! Would you like to tell us what happened in that night?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: We had a terrible misunderstanding that resulted in a fight... We made up 5 years ago and have become best of friends... Jayne now DJ'S every Monday night at my bar, Manitoba's in New York City...

The Manitoba' s!!! Tell us more…
Handsome Dick Manitoba: I opened 4&1/2 years ago after bartending for 7 years... It is a little neighborhood bar with an amazing, permanent rock n' roll-punk photo collection from rock's greatest photographers...It spite of it's size, MANITOBA'S is THE true, pure rock n' roll bar in New York City... People from all over the US and the world make a point to stop off and visit...

Handsome, in the 80’s you’ve been outside from the music business for a while. What did you do in that period?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: I stopped drinking and doing heroin and all drugs... I slowly but surely got back into the real world and started playing music again... In this transition period, I had a number of survival jobs (pay the rent, eat...). One day I started bartending, then opened up my own bar...

Manitoba, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in your life?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: Fucked a girl on the grass, in-between 6 lanes of traffic right on the New York State Thruway!

Andy, you’ve always been the only composer in the band. There is a song that you love in particular and you like playing on stage?
Andy Shernoff: I always like playing Baby, Let's Twist live.... but my biggest thrill is hearing the audience singing along to any of my songs.

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Why "...And You?" was credited to Manitoba's Wild Kingdom instead of The Dictators?
Andy Shernoff: We didn't feel it was right since Scott wasn't in the band and Ross wasn't playing with us when we started. We were also moving towards a heavier sound.

Why that album was recorded in 1988 and published almost two years later?
Andy Shernoff: The recording started in November of 1988, it was mixed around June of 1989 and released in early 1990.That's what happens when you work with major record labels.

Somebody disliked the side b of Manitoba’s Wild Kingdom’s record because it was too heavily influenced by metal while the first side had a more rock n’roll aproach. Was it a premeditated choice or it’s just the way the record came out?
Andy Shernoff: Well, I would agree that the first side is more rock and roll and the second side is heavier. I really like the record but that's the only record where we are following a trend rather than creating one.

First time I heard something from Manitoba’s Wild Kingdom I was watching Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Kindergarten Cop, how did you put "The Party Starts Now" in that soundtrack ? Did you get in touch with Arnold or what?
Andy Shernoff: I had nothing to do with it... It was a deal done by my music publishing company.

What do you think about Manowar, the band in which Ross has played for many years, a band that i think plays a sound really different compared with Dictators’ sound and approach?
Andy Shernoff: Manowar and the Dictators are from different worlds. They take themselves very, very seriously and we're just out to hthrow a party.

Isn’t it boring hearing Stooges and New York Dolls considered grandfathers of punk rock while the Dictators are still a "cult band", at least here in Italy?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: Different places and different people view us differently... To some we are THE Godfathers of punk... Other people don't acknowledge us at all... I know who we are, where we were, what we've done and that's all that's important, not what "some people think".

Andy, are you still in touch with Mendoza, Teether and Stu Boy King? What are they doing now?
Andy Shernoff: Not in touch with any of them... Mendoza plays with Twisted Sister, Teeter sells drums and Stu-Boy has disappeared.

Handsome, how did you react to the attack to the twin towers? How is the life today in New York? There is still tension and fear?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: Life in our heads and hearts changed forever... We now blink and wince everytime we hear sirens or as in the case of the recent massive blackout, our first thoughts are "Was it an act of terror".New York in some physical ways is cleaner and nicer, at the cost of losing some of the old "character" we've come to know and love...

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Handsome, we know you have a past as a wrestler. Do you still follow this sport? And if you do, what’s your opinion about new stars? And what about two icons like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan ?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: Sometimes I watch religiously, sometimes not at all.I like a lot of the new guys but my favorites are the old timers who could wrestle well and could handle a microphone... I am sick of steroid giants with two wrestling moves... Flair is great, Hogan sucks... I really miss the now defunct ECW... That was fun and exciting... Vince McMahon gobbled them up, then fucked it up...

Do you want tell us something about "16 forever" the song insert in the tribute album to The Nomads realeased by Wild Kingdom and Big Bongo Records…
Andy Shernoff: 16 forever was written by The Dictators... They asked us to do a song for the Nomads tribute CD. When I asked Nicke from The Nomads which song we should do he suggested 16 Forever. We never released our version of the song so we were happy to comply... We don't normally do tribute records but the Nomads are our buddies.
Handsome Dick Manitoba: They asked for it... I am proud to call The Nomads my friends... They understand and play great rock n' roll.

How much we will have to wait to hear a new The Dictators’ album?
Andy Shernoff: I'm mixing a live CD at this moment....we'll work on some new recordings after that is released.

These are the are the ritual questions on The Rock Explosion: what’s your favourite drink, your favourite pornostar and your favourite disc of all the times?
Handsome Dick Manitoba: I haven't had alcohol in 20 years... But when I drank I liked good scotch... Traci Lords... The first 6 Rolling Stones albums...
Andy Shernoff: My favorite drink is Brunello di Montalcino, I don't have a favorite porno star, and I can't pick one disc so here are five... Rocket to Russia/The Ramones, Highway to Hell/ AC/DC, Exile on Main Street/The Rolling Stones and Revolver/the Beatles

This is the end, free space. Would you like to say something to the thrilled Italian fans waiting to see you live next october?
Andy Shernoff: Let me just say that I have always felt a kinship with all Mediterranean countries for the lifestyle, food and wine but particularly Italy because I grew up with a lot of Italian families in New York City. The Dictators are a party band so be prepared to get drunk, raise your fist in the air and sing along to the songs.
Handsome Dick Manitoba: Since I have been a small child I have been in love with Italian culture... I grew up in The Bronx, in a heavily populated Italian neighborhood, and therefore was very close to the culture...My friends call me "a wanna-be Italian"! The food is the greatest in the world. I can't wait to "eat Italy"... The women are beautiful and the language, to me the most romantic in the world... I wish we were staying more than 3 days..but I'll try to make the most of it, and who knows... If they love us... Maybe we'll be asked to return Grazie & Ciao from HDM - KING OF MEN!

Intervista realizzata da Andrea Zazzarini, Bruno Rossi e Tony Aramini.
Traduzione realizzata da Tony Aramini ed Erika.
Photos by Marieken Cochius, Katrina Del Mar & Josh Lewis.

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